Friday, April 22, 2016

Animals as companions, compadres, calm resources: Tapestry

It’s fingers, toes, and threads of life forced out through the movement of the brain stem to pick out the best way forth for the body to exacerbate its lead.
My thinking body frame is only a piece of the puzzle. There’s more, for when I maintain a momentum that flows instead of ebbs, meanders instead of leaves, and perpetuates the specificatory nature of who is inside…
“Meow,” says my cat, Recinda.
What has that to do with anything, you might ask. Everything, for it means that I heard it, picked up on it, acted on it, responsively gave back, and am nourished by it.
“Whoooeeneya,” says my horse, Wyndham.
How is it that I can transform my hearing a voice to that which is so rich with life. When I pick up on something that has to do with ‘love’, a transference of energy such that my body and mind are in interaction with each other, a mention that there might be something in it for me, then. My heels kick up, my contemporariness leads to placating my inner resolve such that there is motion, transitoriness, inflation, chronic joy!
If I happen to whisk myself by my goat, Balentine, and she hears the whoosh of the mental state of things as other than balentinian, meaning scrumptious, delicious, anticipating more than is right for a physical being to have happen in any space of time, there is a wandering sense that things are not as they should be. And Balentine, bless her, will take to a running leap and land dead in front of me:
“What on earth are you doing to yourself, may I ask you, Claris?”
“Balentine, how on earth can I ever thank you enough?”
“Claris, I thought that you would never ask in a million years.”
“Balentine, may I conform to your way of thinking? Hummm, I feel so much better now.”
“Claris, see that you do.”
Now, if it were Virginia, our goose, it would be all over the map, for she is a Wentworth. If there is something to go for, it’s worth her time and energy.
“So, Claris, if I were you, which I am not, and if there were more to talk about, which there is not, I might simply have a cold drink out of the faucet.”
And that’s how things sit for Virginia Wentworth.
“Still, I wouldn’t mind some understanding about Gil. He tends to roam about with nothing to say to me. Gil? Gil? Claris, you try and talk to him.”
“Gil, what is it about your nature that speaks volumes, and yet you are of few words?”
“Claris, that’ll do. And one more thing – I don’t mind being discerning.” And he waddled off, wading into the pool, being discerning.
“Oh, Claris, how can I find my way to the kitchen? It’s mealtime.”
“Gretchen, that’s a good question. I’ll find out for you.”
Meanwhile, Gretchen goes about looking for scratch.
They bust up laughing. It’s a great way to spend time on the farm.

The End

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