Friday, February 20, 2015

Christy’s Garden Blog Revealing Nature: Introductory Remarks

Christy’s Garden Blog
Revealing Nature: Introductory Remarks

When we reveal ourselves to nature, we open the floodgates to presenting a wherewithal to become much more who we truly are.
I’m Christy Johnston and I would care to present a way of looking at health, behavior, and balance as a way of inclining oneself to the true value of one’s existence.
When I had an issue with my health a few years ago, I found that if I could tune in to what the body truly needed at that point in time, and if I gave it that, whether it be food, or rest, or exposure to some sort of remedial action such as a flower tincture or chiropractic adjustment or acupuncture treatment, that it would overcome anomalies such that balance was restored. And over time, that balance was more stable and had a better chance of restoring itself because the body was more in touch with itself as the ‘remediator’ instead of needing a push from some outside source. When the body is so resilient as to take up outside forces from exposure such as when traveling across the street from a supplement store or a grocery store or a nursery, it has the opportunity to balance itself, restore itself, incline itself to such a healthy place that it can withstand influences that would otherwise take its health away. If I were to say what it is that makes a body most inclined toward health and healing of ailments, I would have to say that it was being in tune with its needs rather than what we think we would like to imbibe at a particular time. If this is new to any of you, you might care to keep in touch with the reference material that will be posted on a regular basis. If you were to pay particular attention to how your body feels when you approach an influence such as food, drink, effect such as music or television, natural medicine such as a supplement or flower tincture, plant material, you may experience the body as its natural inclining force, like an antennae gives reference to a radar screen. In that, is the way that the conscious force of nature plays out through our manifested form, that it recalls from our spirit-nature, the way forward such that balance is a way of life and joy is its fulfillment.
Christy Johnston

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